250th Anniversary Events Updates

250th Anniversary Events Updates

Although the Anniversary Committee had planned activities throughout the year to celebrate the 250th Anniversary of Friedens Lutheran Church, Covid-19 had other plans for all of us in 2020. All Anniversary events since March have been cancelled but will be held at a safer time in the future. John Bond’s visit and discussion about Albany Township, the Mother’s Day Banquet, the 250th Celebration Worship Service, the July Outdoor Worship Service and Picnic at Leaser Lake, and the Choir Reunion & Old-Fashioned Worship Service have been cancelled for this year. We will try to reschedule all of these Anniversary events in 2021. It will be our 250th + 1 Anniversary! It is our hope that it will be safe for all of us to gather then.

We have yet to determine if any of the other activities (Congregational Banquet and Christmas Musical) for the rest of 2020 Will be held as planned. If not, know that they will be rescheduled next year instead. We will keep everyone informed about our plans for the rest of 2020.

Since our Celebration Service was cancelled in June, you can find the letter from Bishop Zeiser included below. In his letter he congratulates Friedens Lutheran Church for our long and faithful gospel witness and wishes us well for our future.

Blessings to all of you. Stay Healthy and safe as we move forward this year.

God Bless,

Friedens Lutheran Church Anniversary Committee

Letter from Bishop Zeizer

Greeting in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ!

With great pleasure I extend to everyone at Friedens Lutheran Church, Stony Run my congratulations as you observe the two hundred-fiftieth anniversary of your congregation. The abiding ministry endeavors of Friedens Church are a testimony of God’s creative power in our world, and to the faithful response of God’s people to call discipleship in Jesus’ name. Thank you for such a long and faithful gospel witness on the synod’s territory.

I consider the ministry of Friedens Lutheran Church, Stony Run to be a vital component of this synod’s life. Your committed ministry has empowered people in a critical portion of our synod territory to worship, to grow in faith, and to serve in Jesus’ name. As you celebrate two hundreds-fifty years of ministry, I encourage you to continue to be diligent in the Christ-centered care you offer to one another, and to be persistent in the gospel-motivated outreach you offer to the community in which your church is planted – and to the world in which we live.

You are God’s people – Redeemed in Christ, called to faith by the Holy Spirit. All congregations of the Northeastern Pennsylvania Synod join me in thanking God for your partnership in ministry. They also join me in saluting you for reaching a remarkable milestone in your life together. God bless you, sustain you, and empower you for new life in Christ.

With every good wish during this anniversary year and always, I am

Your Servant in Christ,

The Rev. Samuel R. Zeizer